Matica XID8300 Loading Supplies

Matica XID8300 Loading Supplies

Matica XID8300 Loading Supplies

Printer Setup Video Series

This is one in a series of videos created for Matica Technologies to show new customers how to properly unbox, setup, and clean their new XID8300 Retransfer Card Printers. This specific video was #2 in the series and shows the proper way to install the print media in the printer. SMC Freelance worked with folks at Matica to work out a draft shooting schedule, write the scripts and capture raw footage on location and in their US office. After a series of revisions, each video in the series was produced and delivered for both uploading to YouTube and delivery to specific overseas customers. The videos were developed with written text instead of an audio voice-over so that they can potentially be translated into multiple languages quickly, without the need to hire voice artists for each possible translation.

Talk to us today about how SMC Freelance can help you service your customers with low-cost, high-quality training videos.

Tags: matica, video, videos