New Mission Encounters International Website

New Mission Encounters International Website
mission encounters international 2022 website

New Mission Encounters International Website

New MEI Site Built with Elementor

MEI contacted SMC Freelance in late 2014 to make updates to their old WordPress 3 website, to which we provided new graphics and branding, updated business card designs, created new brochures, and cleaned up a lot of their site content with better SEO. We also helped them connect to their eTapestry account for donations processing, and make their site more mobile responsive.

In early 2016, MEI hired SMC to build a new fully responsive, WordPress 4.5 site for them using a new customized theme. We were also tasked with connecting it to their new donations solution, NeonCRM. Unlike their previous site, this one was completely in their control to make content updates, create posts, add testimonials, and link to their monthly newsletters. However, as that was built using Cherry Framework, which was no longer supported by the developer as of 2018. This began to cause issues with being able to keep the site current with new browser and search engine requirements.

In Q4 of 2021, MEI approached SMC Freelance to build them a new site, this time using the community-driven Elementor engine for WordPress. This new site has more feature than their old site due to the huge library of modules included in Elementor, and works better with their NeonCRM integration.

You can view the current site through the link below. Note that recent edits to the site might not have been recommended or performed by SMC.

Tags: Elementor, Mission Encounters, seo, website design, wordpress
Mission Encounters Int'l