Identification Systems Group

Identification Systems Group

Identification Systems Group

New Site Through 3rd Party CMS

In the fall of 2015, SMC Freelance was contracted by the Identification Systems Group to help with a variety of tasks after the departure of their marketing manager, including an extensive list of updates to their current website, hosted by another web developer and built through their CMS. We complied by providing months of work on improving the content, collateral and SEO of that website.

When the ISG felt it necessary to update their site with their revised logo and make it more mobile-friendly, they asked us to assist their current host with developing the new site in their updated CMS solution. We worked hand-in-hand with that other developer to provide updated content, and more navigable hierarchy, better graphics, and an improved theme. SMC Freelance also helped by updating dozens of product datasheets, case studies and press releases with a new look, as well as materials for trade events, dealer meetings, and more.

You can review the new site through the link below. we are currently responsible for all new content and images added to the site. We also provide monthly Google Analytics tracking reports as well as Google AdWords campaigns to drive traffic to the client’s site through optimized keyword ads.

Tags: adwords, analytics, cms, collateral, isg, seo, web design
Identification Systems Group