Matica EDIsecure® XID8600 How To

Matica EDIsecure® XID8600 How To

Matica EDIsecure® XID8600 How To

XID8600 “How To” Instructional Video

This video was another in a series of product videos and related collateral material for the US launch of its XID8600 retransfer card printer that included features such as UV ink and micro text printing for high-end ID card needs like drivers licenses and access cards.

SMC Freelance again wrote the draft outline and script for the video, hired the same voice over artist, and did all of the audio recording and editing. We again did the initial product photography and raw video capture, and created the individual video graphics. Lastly, we compiled the video and audio, added a music track and the special effects, and submitted a draft copy of the video for customer review. The final video was then compiled after a few more edits, and was posted online.

Contact us today to see how SMC Freelance can help your small business, non-profit or startup with your video production needs.

Tags: matica, videos