Matica Laser Engraving Solutions

Matica Laser Engraving Solutions

Matica Laser Engraving Solutions

An Introduction to Matica Laser Systems

This video was designed to be translated into several languages to promote Matica’s family of laser engraving solutions, including both desktop and central issuance systems. This is the original English version.

SMC Freelance was responsible for drafting the outline and script for the video, and did all of the audio recording and editing. All initial product photography, raw video capture, and individual video graphics were also created by us. Lastly, we compiled the video and audio, added a music track and the special effects, and recorded the voice over using their staff talent. The final video was distributed for their international dealer network.

Ask us how SMC Freelance can help you promote your business, services and products with low-cost, high-quality videos.

Tags: matica, videos