New Group 1.6 Architects Website

New Group 1.6 Architects Website
Group 1.6 Architects

New Group 1.6 Architects Website

Architecture Portfolio Website Rebuild

After providing a new website for Group 1.6 Architects back in 2016, various changes in technologies for both desktop web browsing and mobile device access started to appear. Some of these changes impacted the Cherry engine of the Group’s website. Failure by certain plugin developers also negatively affected the Group’s ability to keep certain aspects updated in a timely manner.

The Group approached SMC Freelance about providing them with a new website using better development tools that would allow them to manage their own site better. A new WordPress site, this time using Elementor as its core, was built for the Group. It now has a more mobile-friendly platform, and a more robust editing tool where they can continue to add portfolio projects to display for future potential customers.

You can view the current site through the link below. Note that recent edits to the site might not have been recommended or performed by us.

Tags: web design
Group 1.6 Architects