New Multicard Corporate Site

New Multicard Corporate Site

New Multicard Corporate Site

Bye Bye Joomla

Due to vulnerabilities in the previous Joomla site (and that of their host’s servers), Multicard contacted SMC Freelance about building them a new WordPress site using Elementor as the design engine. This would put them more in line with their other Multicard sites, also built by SMC, that were already using WordPress.

They chose the Port theme as their default design scheme, and then proceeded to work alongside us with graphics and content to build a “phase one” plan of their new corporate site. The goal will be to make improvements to the site in later phases to add more flexibility, and potentially an online store.

SMC Freelance provided them with training in both WordPress and Elementor so that their own team can create new content on the site and make minor updates as needed. We can do the same for you, as any site completed by us is 100% in your control. And we will be there to serve you whenever you need us for the things you don’t want to tackle alone.

Tags: Elementor, multicard, web design, wordpress
Multicard Website